Monday, March 15, 2010

Preview of the coming Posts

     Can a ferret eat cat food? Are raisins and peanuts good for treats? Is gum dangerous for my ferret?


     Our pets depend on us to feed them appropriate foods depending on their species and other requirements. We also like to give them bits of our own foods when we think no one else is looking. We are bombard with ads from a number of sources on what to feed our pets. Each product trying to get our money by telling us how great their food is for our pets.

     Dog and cat food commercials flood the television and other media platforms along with advice on what to not to let them eat and the reasons whys.

     Ferret owners have to look for advice on what foods are good and which can be detrimental to a ferret’s health.


     In the coming three part series I will answer the three questions at the beginning of this post along with talking about the foods that a ferret should eat, that they really shouldn’t have but in extreme moderation isn’t bad, and the foods you should never let a ferret. Much like the Clint Eastwood movie titled The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

     What foods do you consider good, bad, or ugly for pets in general? All remarks, topic ideas, answers, and links to other blogs are appreciated.



Jacob W. Reppert said...

Really cool cant wait to read the others.

Jo said...

Glad you like the preview.

Your Daily Cute said...

Your blog looks like a great resource for ferret owners! Thanks for sharing the link. :)

Jo said...

Welcome to Enlightened Ferret and thank you for the compliment Your Daily Cute. Please come back and check out each new post.