Friday, May 30, 2014

Please Vote to get the Ban Lifted on NYC Ferrets


Back in 1999, under Republican Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the Department of Health pronounced ferrets unpredictable and prone to "vicious, unprovoked attacks." 

For those that follow this blog you know that is a vicious lie. For those of you lucky enough to have met my fur kids or Snotface Critter you have first hand experience about how Vicious they are.

The ban made it illegal to own a ferret in the city limits of New York but now the city is thinking about lifting the ban. There are multiple places to vote on the polls but you need to read the answers and not just vote yes. Which is what I believe is happening on the poll.

So please go to and vote: No; they are little & cute. and help lift the unfair ban on ferrets in NYC maybe if it gets lifted then the completely outdated reasons for California to deny ferrets will get a through going over as well.

Have a Chittering Good Day,
