Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Yesterday the humidity was so high that inside the house was just too hot for ferrets and humans. So I decided to give the kids a ride outside in their new stroller dubbed the Chitmobile. Other than a few minor adjustments this is going to be perfect for going places. One of which is Hollywoof in September.IMG_2567 IMG_2562IMG_2564IMG_2551 IMG_2552  IMG_2554     IMG_2559 IMG_2560 IMG_2561    IMG_2566  I know the kids enjoyed being outside in the cool air where they could breath and safely watch the world around them.

Have a Chittering Good Day,



Pumpkinpuddy said...

Woo hoo! You got wheels. That's so pawsome.

Jo said...

Yep the kid's have wheels now to Ferretize it.