Friday, October 3, 2014

Wigglebutt Warriors Party and After


What a fun event Hollywoof was. We had lots of fun and hooman was impressed by how well we did in our chitmobile. After we were on the red carpet for photo ops we rode in style to the main event and sat with some amazing hoomans.

Like our friend Carma Poodale and her hoomans Bunny and sissy Sarah IMG_2897IMG_2896IMG_2918  

Miss Emmy IMG_2962 

Kona and her hooman DeAnna IMG_2913  and the lady in the gold sparkly is Ms Jan Todd

and finally Garth and his parents.IMG_2976 IMG_2917  We all were sitting at a back table so we got to see stuff but not be ran over like many of the other tables near the front. 

Hooman dressed up along with us. We had never seen her in a dress before. She outshined Marylin a bit. IMG_2878 IMG_2879 IMG_2887 IMG_2901 

We got to have a tiny bit of beef wellington it was delish. IMG_2925   We had a lot of fun at the Hollywoof but we also got to go a winery the next day.

We gave our friends Carma, Bunny, and Sarah a ride to the Barrel Oak Winery and hooman left after everyone else since she had to put gas in the car. The funny thing was we passed everyone on the freeway and got there first.

What amazing views the place had     IMG_3012 IMG_3013 IMG_3014 IMG_2998IMG_2999IMG_3000 

It got a little warm for us so hooman got us some ice which we loved. Fact: Ferrets don’t do well in temps over 68 degreesIMG_3008 IMG_3009

Marylin finally decided to give Bunny some ferrety kisses IMG_3010IMG_3011 

This is Coco we admire each other from a far but she is always dressed so elegantly.   IMG_3004  This is her hooman Teri IMG_3007

We finally got tired of all the attention and fell asleepIMG_3005 IMG_3006 

Our Host Carol Bryant IMG_2944 


Have a Chittering Good Day,


1 comment:

FidoseofReality said...

Thanks for attending, for being a great pet parent, and for sharing your memories. Chitters to all!