Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Semi Wordless Wednesday: National Ferret Day.

Yep you read that right today April 2 is officially National Ferret Day for the first time ever. While ferret owners have recognized this as an "un"official day for several years this is the first time it is official.


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and this month Blog Paws is celebrating small pets this month! Can't believe that Blog Paws is just around the corner. 

Have a Chittering Good Day,




Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats said...

Happy National Ferret Day! Makes me miss my sweeties from so long ago: Shadow (my first), Timbre, Tasman, Tempo and Tigger.

--Woofs and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats

Playful Kitty said...

Great photos! You guys are soooo cute! I hope you are enjoying your band new "official" day :)

M. K. Clinton said...

Have a fabulous ferret day!

Jo said...

Manny: Wez # 10, 11, &12 fer hooman. Fankz fer stopping by

Jo said...

Marcuz: It waz a fun day hooman even let mez nibblez her toez *chitters*

Jo said...

Marylin: Fankyz